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3 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 O·ver adv.
 1. From one side to another; from side to side; across; crosswise; as, a board, or a tree, a foot over, i. e., a foot in diameter.
 2. From one person or place to another regarded as on the opposite side of a space or barrier; -- used with verbs of motion; as, to sail over to England; to hand over the money; to go over to the enemy. “We will pass over to Gibeah.” --Judges xix. 12. Also, with verbs of being: At, or on, the opposite side; as, the boat is over.
 3. From beginning to end; throughout the course, extent, or expanse of anything; as, to look over accounts, or a stock of goods; a dress covered over with jewels.
 4. From inside to outside, above or across the brim.
    Good measure, pressed down . . . and running over.   --Luke vi. 38.
 5. Beyond a limit; hence, in excessive degree or quantity; superfluously; with repetition; as, to do the whole work over. “So over violent.”
    He that gathered much had nothing over.   --Ex. xvi. 18.
 6. In a manner to bring the under side to or towards the top; as, to turn (one's self) over; to roll a stone over; to turn over the leaves; to tip over a cart.
 7. Completed; at an end; beyond the limit of continuance; finished; as, when will the play be over?. “Their distress was over.” --Macaulay. “The feast was over.” --Sir W. Scott.
 Note:Over, out, off, and similar adverbs, are often used in the predicate with the sense and force of adjectives, agreeing in this respect with the adverbs of place, here, there, everywhere, nowhere; as, the games were over; the play is over; the master was out; his hat is off.
 Note:Over is much used in composition, with the same significations that it has as a separate word; as in overcast, overflow, to cast or flow so as to spread over or cover; overhang, to hang above; overturn, to turn so as to bring the underside towards the top; overact, overreach, to act or reach beyond, implying excess or superiority.
 All over. (a) Over the whole; upon all parts; completely; as, he is spatterd with mud all over. (b) Wholly over; at an end; as, it is all over with him.
 Over again, once more; with repetition; afresh; anew. --Dryden.
 Over against, opposite; in front. --Addison.
 Over and above, in a manner, or degree, beyond what is supposed, defined, or usual; besides; in addition; as, not over and above well. “He . . . gained, over and above, the good will of all people.” --L' Estrange.
 Over and over, repeatedly; again and again.
 To boil over. See under Boil, v. i.
 To come it over, To do over, To give over, etc. See under Come, Do, Give, etc.
 To throw over, to abandon; to betray.  Cf. To throw overboard, under Overboard.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Give v. t. [imp. Gave p. p. Given p. pr. & vb. n. Giving.]
 1. To bestow without receiving a return; to confer without compensation; to impart, as a possession; to grant, as authority or permission; to yield up or allow.
    For generous lords had rather give than pay.   --Young.
 2. To yield possesion of; to deliver over, as property, in exchange for something; to pay; as, we give the value of what we buy.
    What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?   --Matt. xvi. 26.
 3. To yield; to furnish; to produce; to emit; as, flint and steel give sparks.
 4. To communicate or announce, as advice, tidings, etc.; to pronounce; to render or utter, as an opinion, a judgment, a sentence, a shout, etc.
 5. To grant power or license to; to permit; to allow; to license; to commission.
    It is given me once again to behold my friend.   --Rowe.
    Then give thy friend to shed the sacred wine.   --Pope.
 6. To exhibit as a product or result; to produce; to show; as, the number of men, divided by the number of ships, gives four hundred to each ship.
 7. To devote; to apply; used reflexively, to devote or apply one's self; as, the soldiers give themselves to plunder; also in this sense used very frequently in the past participle; as, the people are given to luxury and pleasure; the youth is given to study.
 8. Logic & Math. To set forth as a known quantity or a known relation, or as a premise from which to reason; -- used principally in the passive form given.
 9. To allow or admit by way of supposition.
    I give not heaven for lost.   --Mlton.
 10. To attribute; to assign; to adjudge.
    I don't wonder at people's giving him to me as a lover.   --Sheridan.
 11. To excite or cause to exist, as a sensation; as, to give offense; to give pleasure or pain.
 12. To pledge; as, to give one's word.
 13. To cause; to make; -- with the infinitive; as, to give one to understand, to know, etc.
 But there the duke was given to understand
 That in a gondola were seen together
 Lorenzo and his amorous Jessica.   --Shak.
 14. To afford a view of; as, his window gave the park.
 To give away, to make over to another; to transfer.
    Whatsoever we employ in charitable uses during our lives, is given away from ourselves.   --Atterbury.
 -- To give back, to return; to restore. --Atterbury.
 To give the bag, to cheat. [Obs.]
    I fear our ears have given us the bag.   --J. Webster.
 -- To give birth to. (a) To bear or bring forth, as a child. (b) To originate; to give existence to, as an enterprise, idea.
 To give chase, to pursue.
 To give ear to. See under Ear.
 To give forth, to give out; to publish; to tell. --Hayward.
 To give ground. See under Ground, n.
 To give the hand, to pledge friendship or faith.
 To give the hand of, to espouse; to bestow in marriage.
 To give the head. See under Head, n.
 To give in. (a) To abate; to deduct. (b) To declare; to make known; to announce; to tender; as, to give in one's adhesion to a party.
 To give the lie to (a person), to tell (him) that he lies.
 To give line. See under Line.
 To give off, to emit, as steam, vapor, odor, etc.
 To give one's self away, to make an inconsiderate surrender of one's cause, an unintentional disclosure of one's purposes, or the like. [Colloq.]
 To give out. (a) To utter publicly; to report; to announce or declare.
    One that gives out himself Prince Florizel.   --Shak.
    Give out you are of Epidamnum.   --Shak.
 (b) To send out; to emit; to distribute; as, a substance gives out steam or odors.
 To give over. (a) To yield completely; to quit; to abandon. (b) To despair of. (c) To addict, resign, or apply (one's self).
    The Babylonians had given themselves over to all manner of vice.    --Grew.
 -- To give place, to withdraw; to yield one's claim.
 To give points. (a) In games of skill, to equalize chances by conceding a certain advantage; to allow a handicap. (b) To give useful suggestions. [Colloq.]
 To give rein. See under Rein, n.
 To give the sack. Same as To give the bag.
 To give and take. (a) To average gains and losses. (b) To exchange freely, as blows, sarcasms, etc.
 To give time (Law), to accord extension or forbearance to a debtor. --Abbott.
 To give the time of day, to salute one with the compliment appropriate to the hour, as “good morning.” “good evening”, etc.
 To give tongue, in hunter's phrase, to bark; -- said of dogs.
 To give up. (a) To abandon; to surrender. “Don't give up the ship.”
 He has . . . given up
 For certain drops of salt, your city Rome.   --Shak.
 (b) To make public; to reveal.
 I'll not state them
 By giving up their characters.   --Beau. & Fl.
 (c) (Used also reflexively.)
 To give up the ghost. See under Ghost.
 To give one's self up, to abandon hope; to despair; to surrender one's self.
 To give way. (a) To withdraw; to give place. (b) To yield to force or pressure; as, the scaffolding gave way. (c) Naut. To begin to row; or to row with increased energy. (d) Stock Exchange. To depreciate or decline in value; as, railroad securities gave way two per cent.
 To give way together, to row in time; to keep stroke.
 Syn: -- To Give, Confer, Grant.
 Usage: To give is the generic word, embracing all the rest. To confer was originally used of persons in power, who gave permanent grants or privileges; as, to confer the order of knighthood; and hence it still denotes the giving of something which might have been withheld; as, to confer a favor. To grant is to give in answer to a petition or request, or to one who is in some way dependent or inferior.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Give v. i.
 1. To give a gift or gifts.
 2. To yield to force or pressure; to relax; to become less rigid; as, the earth gives under the feet.
 3. To become soft or moist. [Obs.]
 4. To move; to recede.
    Now back he gives, then rushes on amain.   --Daniel.
 5. To shed tears; to weep. [Obs.]
 Whose eyes do never give
 But through lust and laughter.   --Shak.
 6. To have a misgiving. [Obs.]
 My mind gives ye're reserved
 To rob poor market women.   --J. Webster.
 7. To open; to lead. [A Gallicism]
    This, yielding, gave into a grassy walk.   --Tennyson.
 To give back, to recede; to retire; to retreat.
    They gave back and came no farther.   --Bunyan.
 -- To give in, to yield; to succumb; to acknowledge one's self beaten; to cease opposition.
    The Scots battalion was enforced to give in.   --Hayward.
    This consideration may induce a translator to give in to those general phrases.   --Pope.
 -- To give off, to cease; to forbear. [Obs.] --Locke.
 To give on or To give upon. (a) To rush; to fall upon. [Obs.] (b) To have a view of; to be in sight of; to overlook; to look toward; to open upon; to front; to face. [A Gallicism: cf. Fr. donner sur.]
    Rooms which gave upon a pillared porch.   --Tennyson.
    The gloomy staircase on which the grating gave.   --Dickens.
 -- To give out. (a) To expend all one's strength. Hence: (b) To cease from exertion; to fail; to be exhausted; as, my feet being to give out; the flour has given out.
 To give over, to cease; to discontinue; to desist.
    It would be well for all authors, if they knew when to give over, and to desist from any further pursuits after fame.   --Addison.
 -- To give up, to cease from effort; to yield; to despair; as, he would never give up.