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13 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 bank /ˈbæŋk/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 bank /ˈbæŋk/ 名詞

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 記憶庫; 記憶體組

From: Network Terminology

 組 庫 排

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Banc Ban·cus Bank n.  A bench; a high seat, or seat of distinction or judgment; a tribunal or court.
 In banc, In banco (the ablative of bancus), In bank, in full court, or with full judicial authority; as, sittings in banc (distinguished from sittings at nisi prius).

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bank, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Banked(băṉkt); p. pr. & vb. n. Banking.]
 1. To raise a mound or dike about; to inclose, defend, or fortify with a bank; to embank. Banked well with earth.”
 2. To heap or pile up; as, to bank sand.
 3. To pass by the banks of. [Obs.]
 To bank a fire, To bank up a fire, to cover the coals or embers with ashes or cinders, thus keeping the fire low but alive.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bank, n.
 1. A bench, as for rowers in a galley; also, a tier of oars.
 Placed on their banks, the lusty Trojan sweep
 Neptune's smooth face, and cleave the yielding deep.   --Waller.
 2. Law (a) The bench or seat upon which the judges sit. (b) The regular term of a court of law, or the full court sitting to hear arguments upon questions of law, as distinguished from a sitting at Nisi Prius, or a court held for jury trials. See Banc.
 3. Printing A sort of table used by printers.
 4. Music A bench, or row of keys belonging to a keyboard, as in an organ.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bank n.
 1. A mound, pile, or ridge of earth, raised above the surrounding level; hence, anything shaped like a mound or ridge of earth; as, a bank of clouds; a bank of snow.
    They cast up a bank against the city.   --2 Sam. xx. 15.
 2. A steep acclivity, as the slope of a hill, or the side of a ravine.
 3. The margin of a watercourse; the rising ground bordering a lake, river, or sea, or forming the edge of a cutting, or other hollow.
    Tiber trembled underneath her banks.   --Shak.
 4. An elevation, or rising ground, under the sea; a shoal, shelf, or shallow; as, the banks of Newfoundland.
 5. Mining (a) The face of the coal at which miners are working. (b) A deposit of ore or coal, worked by excavations above water level. (c) The ground at the top of a shaft; as, ores are brought to bank.
 6. Aëronautics The lateral inclination of an aëroplane as it rounds a curve; as, a bank of 45° is easy; a bank of 90° is dangerous.
 7. A group or series of objects arranged near together; as, a bank of electric lamps, etc.
 Bank beaver Zool., the otter. [Local, U.S.]
 Bank swallow, a small American and European swallow (Clivicola riparia) that nests in a hole which it excavates in a bank.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bank, n.
 1. An establishment for the custody, loan, exchange, or issue, of money, and for facilitating the transmission of funds by drafts or bills of exchange; an institution incorporated for performing one or more of such functions, or the stockholders (or their representatives, the directors), acting in their corporate capacity.
 2. The building or office used for banking purposes.
 3. A fund to be used in transacting business, especially a joint stock or capital.
    Let it be no bank or common stock, but every man be master of his own money.   --Bacon.
 4. Gaming The sum of money or the checks which the dealer or banker has as a fund, from which to draw his stakes and pay his losses.
 5. In certain games, as dominos, a fund of pieces from which the players are allowed to draw; in Monopoly, the fund of money used to pay bonuses due to the players, or to which they pay fines.
 Bank credit, a credit by which a person who has given the required security to a bank has liberty to draw to a certain extent agreed upon.
 Bank of deposit, a bank which receives money for safe keeping.
 Bank of issue, a bank which issues its own notes payable to bearer.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bank, v. t. To deposit in a bank.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bank, v. i.
 1. To keep a bank; to carry on the business of a banker.
 2. To deposit money in a bank; to have an account with a banker.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bank, v. i. Aëronautics To tilt sidewise in rounding a curve; -- said of a flying machine, an aërocurve, or the like.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels
           the money into lending activities; "he cashed a check at
           the bank"; "that bank holds the mortgage on my home"
           [syn: depository financial institution, banking
           concern, banking company]
      2: sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water);
         "they pulled the canoe up on the bank"; "he sat on the
         bank of the river and watched the currents"
      3: a supply or stock held in reserve for future use (especially
         in emergencies)
      4: a building in which commercial banking is transacted; "the
         bank is on the corner of Nassau and Witherspoon" [syn: bank
      5: an arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers; "he
         operated a bank of switches"
      6: a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping
         money at home; "the coin bank was empty" [syn: savings
         bank, coin bank, money box]
      7: a long ridge or pile; "a huge bank of earth"
      8: the funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some
         gambling games; "he tried to break the bank at Monte
      9: a slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is
         higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of
         centrifugal force [syn: cant, camber]
      10: a flight maneuver; aircraft tips laterally about its
          longitudinal axis (especially in turning); "the plane
          went into a steep bank"
      v 1: tip laterally; "the pilot had to bank the aircraft"
      2: enclose with a bank; "bank roads"
      3: do business with a bank or keep an account at a bank; "Where
         do you bank in this town?"
      4: act as the banker in a game or in gambling
      5: be in the banking business
      6: put into a bank account; "She deposites her paycheck every
         month" [syn: deposit] [ant: withdraw]
      7: cover with ashes so to control the rate of burning; "bank a
      8: have confidence or faith in; "We can trust in God"; "Rely on
         your friends"; "bank on your good education"; "I swear by
         my grandmother's recipes" [syn: trust, swear, rely]
         [ant: distrust, distrust]