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8 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 col·our /ˈkʌlɚ/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 col·our /ˈkəlɚ/ 名詞

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary


From: Network Terminology

 色 色彩 彩色

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Col·or n. [Written also colour.]
 1. A property depending on the relations of light to the eye, by which individual and specific differences in the hues and tints of objects are apprehended in vision; as, gay colors; sad colors, etc.
 Note:The sensation of color depends upon a peculiar function of the retina or optic nerve, in consequence of which rays of light produce different effects according to the length of their waves or undulations, waves of a certain length producing the sensation of red, shorter waves green, and those still shorter blue, etc. White, or ordinary, light consists of waves of various lengths so blended as to produce no effect of color, and the color of objects depends upon their power to absorb or reflect a greater or less proportion of the rays which fall upon them.
 2. Any hue distinguished from white or black.
 3. The hue or color characteristic of good health and spirits; ruddy complexion.
    Give color to my pale cheek.   --Shak.
 4. That which is used to give color; a paint; a pigment; as, oil colors or water colors.
 5. That which covers or hides the real character of anything; semblance; excuse; disguise; appearance.
    They had let down the boat into the sea, under color as though they would have cast anchors out of the foreship.   --Acts xxvii. 30.
 That he should die is worthy policy;
 But yet we want a color for his death.   --Shak.
 6. Shade or variety of character; kind; species.
    Boys and women are for the most part cattle of this color.   --Shak.
 7. A distinguishing badge, as a flag or similar symbol (usually in the plural); as, the colors or color of a ship or regiment; the colors of a race horse (that is, of the cap and jacket worn by the jockey).
    In the United States each regiment of infantry and artillery has two colors, one national and one regimental.   --Farrow.
 8. Law An apparent right; as where the defendant in trespass gave to the plaintiff an appearance of title, by stating his title specially, thus removing the cause from the jury to the court.
 Note:Color is express when it is averred in the pleading, and implied when it is implied in the pleading.
 Body color. See under Body.
 Color blindness, total or partial inability to distinguish or recognize colors. See Daltonism.
 Complementary color, one of two colors so related to each other that when blended together they produce white light; -- so called because each color makes up to the other what it lacks to make it white.  Artificial or pigment colors, when mixed, produce effects differing from those of the primary colors, in consequence of partial absorption.
 Of color (as persons, races, etc.), not of the white race; -- commonly meaning, esp. in the United States, of negro blood, pure or mixed.
 Primary colors, those developed from the solar beam by the prism, viz., red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, which are reduced by some authors to three, -- red, green, and violet-blue.  These three are sometimes called fundamental colors.
 Subjective color or Accidental color, a false or spurious color seen in some instances, owing to the persistence of the luminous impression upon the retina, and a gradual change of its character, as where a wheel perfectly white, and with a circumference regularly subdivided, is made to revolve rapidly over a dark object, the teeth of the wheel appear to the eye of different shades of color varying with the rapidity of rotation. See Accidental colors, under Accidental.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Col·our n. See Color. [Brit.]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj : having or capable of producing colors; "color film"; "he
            rented a color television"; "marvelous color
            illustrations" [syn: color] [ant: black-and-white]
      n 1: any material used for its color; "she used a different color
           for the trim" [syn: coloring material, colouring
           material, color]
      2: a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race
         (especially Blacks) [syn: color, people of color, people
         of colour]
      3: (physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their
         role in the strong interaction; each flavor of quarks
         comes in three colors [syn: color]
      4: interest and variety and intensity; "the Puritan Period was
         lacking in color" [syn: color, vividness]
      5: the timbre of a musical sound; "the recording fails to
         capture the true color of the original music" [syn: color,
          coloration, colouration]
      6: a visual attribute of things that results from the light
         they emit or transmit or reflect; "a white color is made
         up of many different wavelengths of light" [syn: color,
         coloring, colouring] [ant: colorlessness]
      7: an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately
         misleading; "he hoped his claims would have a semblance of
         authenticity"; "he tried to give his falsehood the gloss
         of moral sanction"; "the situation soon took on a
         different color" [syn: semblance, gloss, color]
      8: the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in
         terms of a person's perception of their hue and lightness
         (or brightness) and saturation [syn: color]
      v 1: modify or bias; "His political ideas color his lectures"
           [syn: color]
      2: decorate with colors; "color the walls with paint in warm
         tones" [syn: color, emblazon]
      3: gloss or excuse; "color a lie" [syn: color, gloss]
      4: affect as in thought or feeling; "My personal feelings color
         my judgment in this case"; "The sadness tinged his life"
         [syn: tinge, color, distort]
      5: add color to; "The child colored the drawings"; "Fall
         colored the trees"; "colorize black and white film" [syn:
         color, colorize, colorise, colourise, colourize,
          color in, colour in] [ant: discolor]
      6: change color, often in an undesired manner; "The shirts
         discolored" [syn: discolor, discolour, color]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    The subject of colours holds an important place in the
      White occurs as the translation of various Hebrew words. It is
    applied to milk (Gen. 49:12), manna (Ex. 16:31), snow (Isa.
    1:18), horses (Zech. 1:8), raiment (Eccl. 9:8). Another Hebrew
    word so rendered is applied to marble (Esther 1:6), and a
    cognate word to the lily (Cant. 2:16). A different term, meaning
    "dazzling," is applied to the countenance (Cant. 5:10).
      This colour was an emblem of purity and innocence (Mark 16:5;
    John 20:12; Rev. 19:8, 14), of joy (Eccl. 9:8), and also of
    victory (Zech. 6:3; Rev. 6:2). The hangings of the tabernacle
    court (Ex. 27:9; 38:9), the coats, mitres, bonnets, and breeches
    of the priests (Ex. 39:27,28), and the dress of the high priest
    on the day of Atonement (Lev. 16:4,32), were white.
      Black, applied to the hair (Lev. 13:31; Cant. 5:11), the
    complexion (Cant. 1:5), and to horses (Zech. 6:2,6). The word
    rendered "brown" in Gen. 30:32 (R.V., "black") means properly
    "scorched", i.e., the colour produced by the influence of the
    sun's rays. "Black" in Job 30:30 means dirty, blackened by
    sorrow and disease. The word is applied to a mourner's robes
    (Jer. 8:21; 14:2), to a clouded sky (1 Kings 18:45), to night
    (Micah 3:6; Jer. 4:28), and to a brook rendered turbid by melted
    snow (Job 6:16). It is used as symbolical of evil in Zech. 6:2,
    6 and Rev. 6:5. It was the emblem of mourning, affliction,
    calamity (Jer. 14:2; Lam. 4:8; 5:10).
      Red, applied to blood (2 Kings 3;22), a heifer (Num. 19:2),
    pottage of lentils (Gen. 25:30), a horse (Zech. 1:8), wine
    (Prov. 23:31), the complexion (Gen. 25:25; Cant. 5:10). This
    colour is symbolical of bloodshed (Zech. 6:2; Rev. 6:4; 12:3).
      Purple, a colour obtained from the secretion of a species of
    shell-fish (the Murex trunculus) which was found in the
    Mediterranean, and particularly on the coasts of Phoenicia and
    Asia Minor. The colouring matter in each separate shell-fish
    amounted to only a single drop, and hence the great value of
    this dye. Robes of this colour were worn by kings (Judg. 8:26)
    and high officers (Esther 8:15). They were also worn by the
    wealthy and luxurious (Jer. 10:9; Ezek. 27:7; Luke 16:19; Rev.
    17:4). With this colour was associated the idea of royalty and
    majesty (Judg. 8:26; Cant. 3:10; 7:5; Dan. 5:7, 16,29).
      Blue. This colour was also procured from a species of
    shell-fish, the chelzon of the Hebrews, and the Helix ianthina
    of modern naturalists. The tint was emblematic of the sky, the
    deep dark hue of the Eastern sky. This colour was used in the
    same way as purple. The ribbon and fringe of the Hebrew dress
    were of this colour (Num. 15:38). The loops of the curtains (Ex.
    26:4), the lace of the high priest's breastplate, the robe of
    the ephod, and the lace on his mitre, were blue (Ex. 28:28, 31,
      Scarlet, or Crimson. In Isa. 1:18 a Hebrew word is used which
    denotes the worm or grub whence this dye was procured. In Gen.
    38:28,30, the word so rendered means "to shine," and expresses
    the brilliancy of the colour. The small parasitic insects from
    which this dye was obtained somewhat resembled the cochineal
    which is found in Eastern countries. It is called by naturalists
    Coccus ilics. The dye was procured from the female grub alone.
    The only natural object to which this colour is applied in
    Scripture is the lips, which are likened to a scarlet thread
    (Cant. 4:3). Scarlet robes were worn by the rich and luxurious
    (2 Sam. 1:24; Prov. 31:21; Jer. 4:30. Rev. 17:4). It was also
    the hue of the warrior's dress (Nah. 2:3; Isa. 9:5). The
    Phoenicians excelled in the art of dyeing this colour (2 Chr.
      These four colours--white, purple, blue, and scarlet--were
    used in the textures of the tabernacle curtains (Ex. 26:1, 31,
    36), and also in the high priest's ephod, girdle, and
    breastplate (Ex. 28:5, 6, 8, 15). Scarlet thread is mentioned in
    connection with the rites of cleansing the leper (Lev. 14:4, 6,
    51) and of burning the red heifer (Num. 19:6). It was a crimson
    thread that Rahab was to bind on her window as a sign that she
    was to be saved alive (Josh. 2:18; 6:25) when the city of
    Jericho was taken.
      Vermilion, the red sulphuret of mercury, or cinnabar; a colour
    used for drawing the figures of idols on the walls of temples
    (Ezek. 23:14), or for decorating the walls and beams of houses
    (Jer. 22:14).