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From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 coat /ˈkot/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 coat /ˈkot/ 名詞

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Coat n.
 1. An outer garment fitting the upper part of the body; especially, such a garment worn by men.
 Let each
 His adamantine coat gird well.   --Milton.
 2. A petticoat. [Obs.] “A child in coats.”
 3. The habit or vesture of an order of men, indicating the order or office; cloth.
    Men of his coat should be minding their prayers.   --Swift.
    She was sought by spirits of richest coat.   --Shak.
 4. An external covering like a garment, as fur, skin, wool, husk, or bark; as, the horses coats were sleek.
 Fruit of all kinds, in coat
 Rough or smooth rined, or bearded husk, or shell.   --Milton.
 5. A layer of any substance covering another; a cover; a tegument; as, the coats of the eye; the coats of an onion; a coat of tar or varnish.
 6. Same as Coat of arms. See below.
 Hark, countrymen! either renew the fight,
 Or tear the lions out of England's coat.   --Shak.
 7. A coat card. See below. [Obs.]
    Here's a trick of discarded cards of us! We were ranked with coats as long as old master lived.   --Massinger.
 Coat armor. See under Armor.
 Coat of arms Her., a translation of the French cotte d'armes, a garment of light material worn over the armor in the 15th and 16th centuries. This was often charged with the heraldic bearings of the wearer. Hence, an heraldic achievement; the bearings of any person, taken together.
 Coat card, a card bearing a coated figure; the king, queen, or knave of playing cards. “‘I am a coat card indeed.' ‘Then thou must needs be a knave, for thou art neither king nor queen.'” --Rowley.
 Coat link, a pair of buttons or studs joined by a link, to hold together the lappels of a double-breasted coat; or a button with a loop for a single-breasted coat.
 Coat of mail, a defensive garment of chain mail.  See Chain mail, under Chain.
 Mast coat Naut., a piece of canvas nailed around a mast, where it passes through the deck, to prevent water from getting below.
 Sail coat Naut., a canvas cover laced over furled sails, and the like, to keep them dry and clean.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Coat v. t. [imp. & p. p. Coated; p. pr. & vb. n. Coating.]
 1. To cover with a coat or outer garment.
 2. To cover with a layer of any substance; as, to coat a jar with tin foil; to coat a ceiling.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: an outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from
           shoulder down; worn outdoors
      2: a thin layer covering something; "a second coat of paint"
         [syn: coating]
      3: growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal
         [syn: pelage]
      v 1: put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface;
           "coat the cake with chocolate" [syn: surface]
      2: cover or provide with a coat
      3: form a coat over; "Dirt had coated her face" [syn: cake]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    the tunic worn like the shirt next the skin (Lev. 16:4; Cant.
    5:3; 2 Sam. 15:32; Ex. 28:4; 29:5). The "coats of skins"
    prepared by God for Adam and Eve were probably nothing more than
    aprons (Gen. 3:21). This tunic was sometimes woven entire
    without a seam (John 19:23); it was also sometimes of "many
    colours" (Gen. 37:3; R.V. marg., "a long garment with sleeves").
    The "fisher's coat" of John 21:7 was obviously an outer garment
    or cloak, as was also the "coat" made by Hannah for Samuel (1
    Sam. 2:19). (See DRESS.)