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5 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Pseu·do·scor·pi·o·nes n. pl.  Zool. An order of Arachnoidea having the palpi terminated by large claws, as in the scorpions, but destitute of a caudal sting; the false scorpions. Called also Pseudoscorpii, and Pseudoscorpionina. See Illust. of Book scorpion, under Book.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Scor·pi·on n.
 1. Zool. Any one of numerous species of pulmonate arachnids of the order Scorpiones, having a suctorial mouth, large claw-bearing palpi, and a caudal sting.
 Note:Scorpions have a flattened body, and a long, slender post-abdomen formed of six movable segments, the last of which terminates in a curved venomous sting. The venom causes great pain, but is unattended either with redness or swelling, except in the axillary or inguinal glands, when an extremity is affected. It is seldom if ever destructive of life. Scorpions are found widely dispersed in the warm climates of both the Old and New Worlds.
 2. Zool. The pine or gray lizard (Sceloporus undulatus). [Local, U. S.]
 3. Zool. The scorpene.
 4. Script. A painful scourge.
    My father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.   --1 Kings xii. 11.
 5. Astron. A sign and constellation. See Scorpio.
 6. Antiq. An ancient military engine for hurling stones and other missiles.
 Book scorpion. Zool. See under Book.
 False scorpion. Zool. See under False, and Book scorpion.
 Scorpion bug, or Water scorpion Zool. See Nepa.
 Scorpion fly Zool., a neuropterous insect of the genus Panorpa. See Panorpid.
 Scorpion grass Bot., a plant of the genus Myosotis.  Myosotis palustris is the forget-me-not.
 Scorpion senna Bot., a yellow-flowered leguminous shrub (Coronilla Emerus) having a slender joined pod, like a scorpion's tail. The leaves are said to yield a dye like indigo, and to be used sometimes to adulterate senna.
 Scorpion shell Zool., any shell of the genus Pteroceras. See Pteroceras.
 Scorpion spiders. Zool., any one of the Pedipalpi.
 Scorpion's tail Bot., any plant of the leguminous genus Scorpiurus, herbs with a circinately coiled pod; -- also called caterpillar.
 Scorpion's thorn Bot., a thorny leguminous plant (Genista Scorpius) of Southern Europe.
 The Scorpion's Heart Astron., the star Antares in the constellation Scorpio.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Book n.
 1. A collection of sheets of paper, or similar material, blank, written, or printed, bound together; commonly, many folded and bound sheets containing continuous printing or writing.
 Note:When blank, it is called a blank book. When printed, the term often distinguishes a bound volume, or a volume of some size, from a pamphlet.
 Note:It has been held that, under the copyright law, a book is not necessarily a volume made of many sheets bound together; it may be printed on a single sheet, as music or a diagram of patterns.
 2. A composition, written or printed; a treatise.
    A good book is the precious life blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life.   --Milton.
 3. A part or subdivision of a treatise or literary work; as, the tenth book of “Paradise Lost.”
 4. A volume or collection of sheets in which accounts are kept; a register of debts and credits, receipts and expenditures, etc.; -- often used in the plural; as, they got a subpoena to examine our books.
 Syn: -- ledger, leger, account book, book of account.
 5. Six tricks taken by one side, in the game of bridge or whist, being the minimum number of tricks that must be taken before any additional tricks are counted as part of the score for that hand; in certain other games, two or more corresponding cards, forming a set.
 Note:Book is used adjectively or as a part of many compounds; as, book buyer, bookrack, book club, book lore, book sale, book trade, memorandum book, cashbook.
 Book account, an account or register of debt or credit in a book.
 Book debt, a debt for items charged to the debtor by the creditor in his book of accounts.
 Book learning, learning acquired from books, as distinguished from practical knowledge. “Neither does it so much require book learning and scholarship, as good natural sense, to distinguish true and false.” --Burnet.
 Book louse Zool., one of several species of minute, wingless insects injurious to books and papers. They belong to the Pseudoneuroptera.
 Book moth Zool., the name of several species of moths, the larvæ of which eat books.
 Book oath, an oath made on The Book, or Bible.
 The Book of Books, the Bible.
 Book post, a system under which books, bulky manuscripts, etc., may be transmitted by mail.
 Book scorpion Zool., one of the false scorpions (Chelifer cancroides) found among books and papers. It can run sidewise and backward, and feeds on small insects.
 Book stall, a stand or stall, often in the open air, for retailing books.
 Canonical books. See Canonical.
 In one's books, in one's favor.  “I was so much in his books, that at his decease he left me his lamp.” --Addison.
 To bring to book. (a) To compel to give an account. (b) To compare with an admitted authority. To bring it manifestly to book is impossible.” --M. Arnold.
 by the book,  according to standard procedures; using the correct or usual methods.
 cook the books,  make fallacious entries in or otherwise manipulate a financial record book for fraudulent purposes.
 To curse by bell, book, and candle. See under Bell.
 To make book Horse Racing, to conduct a business of accepting or placing bets from others on horse races.
 To make a book Horse Racing, to lay bets (recorded in a pocket book) against the success of every horse, so that the bookmaker wins on all the unsuccessful horses and loses only on the winning horse or horses.
 off the books, not recorded in the official financial records of a business; -- usually used of payments made in cash to fraudulently avoid payment of taxes or of employment benefits.
 one for the book, one for the books, something extraordinary, such as a record-breaking performance or a remarkable accomplishment.
 To speak by the book, to speak with minute exactness.
 to throw the book at, to impose the maximum fine or penalty for an offense; -- usually used of judges imposing penalties for criminal acts.
 Without book. (a) By memory. (b) Without authority.
 to write the book, to be the leading authority in a field; -- usually used in the past tense; as, he's not just an average expert, he wrote the book.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Chel·i·fer n.  Zool. See Book scorpion, under Book.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

 book scorpion
      n : minute arachnid sometimes found in old papers [syn: Chelifer