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10 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 seal /ˈsi(ə)l/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 seal /ˈsɪl/ 及物動詞

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 密封; 封條

From: Network Terminology

 密封 用印 印鑑

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Seal n.  Zool. Any aquatic carnivorous mammal of the families Phocidae and Otariidae.
 Note:Seals inhabit seacoasts, and are found principally in the higher latitudes of both hemispheres. There are numerous species, bearing such popular names as sea lion, sea leopard, sea bear, or ursine seal, fur seal, and sea elephant. The bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus), the hooded seal (Cystophora cristata), and the ringed seal (Phoca foetida), are northern species. See also Eared seal, Harp seal, Monk seal, and Fur seal, under Eared, Harp, Monk, and Fur. Seals are much hunted for their skins and fur, and also for their oil, which in some species is very abundant.
 Harbor seal Zool., the common seal (Phoca vitulina). It inhabits both the North Atlantic and the North Pacific Ocean, and often ascends rivers; -- called also marbled seal, native seal, river seal, bay seal, land seal, sea calf, sea cat, sea dog, dotard, ranger, selchie, tangfish.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Seal, n.
 1. An engraved or inscribed stamp, used for marking an impression in wax or other soft substance, to be attached to a document, or otherwise used by way of authentication or security.
 2. Wax, wafer, or other tenacious substance, set to an instrument, and impressed or stamped with a seal; as, to give a deed under hand and seal.
 Till thou canst rail the seal from off my bond
 Thou but offend'st thy lungs to speak so loud.   --Shak.
 3. That which seals or fastens; esp., the wax or wafer placed on a letter or other closed paper, etc., to fasten it.
 4. That which confirms, ratifies, or makes stable; that which authenticates; that which secures; assurance. “Under the seal of silence.”
 Like a red seal is the setting sun
 On the good and the evil men have done.   --Longfellow.
 5. An arrangement for preventing the entrance or return of gas or air into a pipe, by which the open end of the pipe dips beneath the surface of water or other liquid, or a deep bend or sag in the pipe is filled with the liquid; a draintrap.
 Great seal. See under Great.
 Privy seal. See under Privy, a.
 Seal lock, a lock in which the keyhole is covered by a seal in such a way that the lock can not be opened without rupturing the seal.
 Seal manual. See under Manual, a.
 Seal ring, a ring having a seal engraved on it, or ornamented with a device resembling a seal; a signet ring.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Seal, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sealed p. pr. & vb. n. Sealing.]
 1. To set or affix a seal to; hence, to authenticate; to confirm; to ratify; to establish; as, to seal a deed.
    And with my hand I seal my true heart's love.   --Shak.
 2. To mark with a stamp, as an evidence of standard exactness, legal size, or merchantable quality; as, to seal weights and measures; to seal silverware.
 3. To fasten with a seal; to attach together with a wafer, wax, or other substance causing adhesion; as, to seal a letter.
 4. Hence, to shut close; to keep close; to make fast; to keep secure or secret.
    Seal up your lips, and give no words but =\“mum”.\=   --Shak.
 5. To fix, as a piece of iron in a wall, with cement, plaster, or the like.
 6. To close by means of a seal; as, to seal a drainpipe with water. See 2d Seal, 5.
 7. Among the Mormons, to confirm or set apart as a second or additional wife. [Utah, U.S.]
    If a man once married desires a second helpmate . . . she is sealed to him under the solemn sanction of the church.   --H. Stansbury.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Seal, v. i. To affix one's seal, or a seal. [Obs.]
    I will seal unto this bond.   --Shak.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: fastener consisting of a resinous composition that is
           plastic when warm; used for sealing documents and
           parcels and letters [syn: sealing wax]
      2: a device incised to make an impression; used to secure a
         closing or to authenticate documents [syn: stamp]
      3: the pelt or fur (especially the underfur) of a seal; "a coat
         of seal" [syn: sealskin]
      4: a member of a Naval Special Warfare unit who is trained for
         unconventional warfare; "SEAL is an acronym for Sea Air
         and Land" [syn: Navy SEAL]
      5: a stamp affixed to a document (as to attest to its
         authenticity or to seal it); "the warrant bore the
         sheriff's seal"
      6: an indication of approved or superior status [syn: cachet,
          seal of approval]
      7: a finishing coat applied to exclude moisture
      8: fastener that provides a tight and perfect closure
      9: any of numerous marine mammals that come on shore to breed;
         chiefly of cold regions
      v 1: close with or as if with a seal; "She sealed the letter with
           hot wax" [ant: unseal]
      2: make tight; secure against leakage; "seal the windows" [syn:
          seal off]
      3: decide irrevocably; "sealing dooms"
      4: affix a seal to; "seal the letter"
      5: cover with varnish [syn: varnish]
      6: hunt seals

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    commonly a ring engraved with some device (Gen. 38:18, 25).
    Jezebel "wrote letters in Ahab's name, and sealed them with his
    seal" (1 Kings 21:8). Seals are frequently mentioned in Jewish
    history (Deut. 32:34; Neh. 9:38; 10:1; Esther 3:12; Cant. 8:6;
    Isa. 8:16; Jer. 22:24; 32:44, etc.). Sealing a document was
    equivalent to the signature of the owner of the seal. "The use
    of a signet-ring by the monarch has recently received a
    remarkable illustration by the discovery of an impression of
    such a signet on fine clay at Koyunjik, the site of the ancient
    Nineveh. This seal appears to have been impressed from the bezel
    of a metallic finger-ring. It is an oval, 2 inches in length by
    1 inch wide, and bears the image, name, and titles of the
    Egyptian king Sabaco" (Rawlinson's Hist. Illus. of the O.T., p.
    46). The actual signet-rings of two Egyptian kings (Cheops and
    Horus) have been discovered. (See SIGNET.)
      The use of seals is mentioned in the New Testament only in
    connection with the record of our Lord's burial (Matt. 27:66).
    The tomb was sealed by the Pharisees and chief priests for the
    purpose of making sure that the disciples would not come and
    steal the body away (ver. 63, 64). The mode of doing this was
    probably by stretching a cord across the stone and sealing it at
    both ends with sealing-clay. When God is said to have sealed the
    Redeemer, the meaning is, that he has attested his divine
    mission (John 6:27). Circumcision is a seal, an attestation of
    the covenant (Rom. 4:11). Believers are sealed with the Spirit,
    as God's mark put upon them (Eph. 1:13; 4:30). Converts are by
    Paul styled the seal of his apostleship, i.e., they are its
    attestation (1 Cor. 9:2). Seals and sealing are frequently
    mentioned in the book of Revelation (5:1; 6:1; 7:3; 10:4;